
  • Invitation

    The question of God is important to you.
    You’d like to know a little about monastic life.
    You believe that prayer is a force that can change people’s hearts – your own – and thereby influence the course of the world.
    You don’t separate your spiritual quest from a simple, fraternal life, divided between worship and
    Come and spend 1 month with us at the Carmel de la Paix, in Mazille, Burgundy?

  • Easter Triduum in Carmel

    Holy Thursday: Celebration of the Lord’s Supper 8pm

    Good Friday: Celebration of the Passion 5.30pm

    Holy Saturday: Office of Holy Saturday 5.30pm, Easter Vigil 22 pm

    Easter Sunday: 9am Office of the Resurrection, 6pm Eucharist


Lauds at 7.30 a.m.
Eucharist at 11 a.m.

VespScheduleers at 5.30 p.m.
Compline at 9 p.m. (except on Sunday)

Except on Mondays : “Desert Day” with Eucharist at 6 p.m. and Vespers at 6 p.m. if there is no priest.

That this mask
of the passer-by,
the caiman
crossing the river
from one bank to the other,
your passage
towards interiority
and Encounter,
and that the basin,
of baptismal waters,
extends the intuition
of this work of art
Sudano-Sahelian work of art.


  • 12 November 2024

    God our Father,
    with Jesus in our midst, the leaven of communion,
    we want to hold together: thanksgiving and intercession,
    praise and solidarity,
    joy and compassion.
    We want to stand on the rampart of Hope
    watching for your Day: the Day of great Shalom for all peoples.

  • 9 November 2024

    Jesus, Lord, you gave your life so that ours might be possible.
    So that the Gospel may become the leaven of a new humanity,
    strengthen us in the hope of a world to be built with you.
    Those who are not against you are with you: help us to see the good
    that is accomplished in silence and selflessness,
    all the initiatives that prevent us from giving up
    and keep our hope alive for the world to come.
    Bless all human solidarity,
    bring fruit to the actions of so many men and women
    who tenaciously try to fight poverty, disease and ignorance.
    Give reason to their hope in a world yet to be born.
    Send your Spirit upon the Church
    that she may have the courage to reform herself in the light of the Word she proclaims
    and which never ceases to work in her.
    Strengthen her in the hope of the world to come.

  • 6 November 2024

    God our Father,
    who is this man after your own heart who has inspired so many men and women to follow him
    to the point of leaving everything behind?
    Who is He, the One who spoke with such authority the astonishingly new words of the Beatitudes, demanding and liberating at the same time?
    Who is He who gives new hope to the unloved and the wounded along the way?
    Who is He, the One who takes so much liberty with the prescriptions of the law, in the name of respect for God and love for others?
    Who is He, the One who accepts rejection, misunderstanding, contempt and even death, out of love?
    May our lives give Him thanks!

  • 2 November 2024

    God of many calls, we give you thanks for your unique word
    addressed to each one of us,
    and we bless you for this moment when you share your Spirit with us
    so that he may bring us together in Christ.
    Bless you for Jesus, the Son of Man who has no stone on which to lay his head,
    and sends his disciples without staff or bag
    to bring peace from house to house.
    Bless you for this prophet who goes fearlessly to proclaim your Kingdom
    where the least are first, where sinners are invited.
    Bless you for this worker for the Kingdom who ploughs his furrow without looking back.
    Bless you for Jesus Christ, who helps us today to take the path of faith,
    Bless you for his Easter light, which challenges our resignation…

  • 31 October 2024

    you have entrusted us with your Good News,
    you entrusted it to us for the poor, for those left behind;
    you have entrusted us with your Good News
    you have entrusted it to us for those who weep and cannot be consoled,
    whose silence we can only perhaps share;
    you have entrusted us with your Good News,
    You have entrusted it to us for those who hunger for justice, for the peacemakers
    who persevere despite so many defeats;
    you have entrusted us with your Good News,
    You have also entrusted it to us for the powerful, those who dominate, those who enrich themselves.
    For them and for us, may your life, Christ, be Good News!