
  • Invitation

    The question of God is important to you.
    You’d like to know a little about monastic life.
    You believe that prayer is a force that can change people’s hearts – your own – and thereby influence the course of the world.
    You don’t separate your spiritual quest from a simple, fraternal life, divided between worship and
    Come and spend 1 month with us at the Carmel de la Paix, in Mazille, Burgundy?

  • Easter Triduum in Carmel

    Holy Thursday: Celebration of the Lord’s Supper 8pm

    Good Friday: Celebration of the Passion 5.30pm

    Holy Saturday: Office of Holy Saturday 5.30pm, Easter Vigil 22 pm

    Easter Sunday: 9am Office of the Resurrection, 6pm Eucharist


Lauds at 7.30 a.m.
Eucharist at 11 a.m.

VespScheduleers at 5.30 p.m.
Compline at 9 p.m. (except on Sunday)

Except on Mondays : “Desert Day” with Eucharist at 6 p.m. and Vespers at 6 p.m. if there is no priest.

That this mask
of the passer-by,
the caiman
crossing the river
from one bank to the other,
your passage
towards interiority
and Encounter,
and that the basin,
of baptismal waters,
extends the intuition
of this work of art
Sudano-Sahelian work of art.


  • 4 December 2024

    Spirit of God,
    You whom a long tradition before us invokes as the Father of the poor,
    the Defender, the Comforter,
    you heal the wounded, you straighten the bent.
    Putting people on their feet, again and again, stronger than fate,
    that’s what you’ve been doing since the beginning!
    You are the Wind that blows where we least expect it,
    subversive and free,
    you displace and dispossess,
    you fill empty hands,
    you who prepare the Day of God, we’re waiting for you!

  • 3 December 2024

    At the beginning of this Advent season, we want to keep watch, with all those who are waiting and also and above all
    and especially with those who are no longer waiting.
    We know that keeping watch is not a natural attitude, but a spiritual one that opens us up to the memory of the One who is coming. Strengthen the Spirit of fidelity within us!
    We know that keeping watch is an attitude of solidarity by which we express the fact that no one lives and dies alone. Strengthen in us the Spirit of brotherhood!
    We know that keeping watch is an attitude of hope, through which we anticipate the joy of the arrival of the One who will tear the darkness apart. Strengthen in us the Spirit of trust!
    We know that watching is the love that crosses all distances to welcome the other. Strengthen in us the Spirit of communion!

  • 1 December 2024

    God who loves us,
    we stand before you on this new day,
    hands open, outstretched like beggars, thirsting for true life,
    And if together we can be simple witnesses to your love, we can be witnesses to your love.
    And if together we can be simple witnesses of your goodness on the road to our neighbour,
    then, Lord, be blessed!

  • 25 November 2024

    Jesus, Lord, thank you for being present where two or three are gathered in your Name.
    Teach us to live in the unity of your Spirit so that we can work to build a world of peace.
    Lord, give us roots to remind us of where we come from,
    so that we can draw on our deepest strength and hold on in the storm…
    Lord, give us a trunk so that we can soar towards the light, standing tall and reaching out towards you,
    to carry the sap, to transmit life…
    Lord, give us branches to offer shelter, to support with love, to carry far and wide
    and sow to the four winds in a united hope…
    Lord, give us fruit to give you glory, to nourish others,
    to offer the joy and taste of your love in unshakeable faith…

  • 19 November 2024

    Lord, we have endangered your creation.
    Infuse in us, day after day, the grace of your Spirit
    to have the courage to repair and care for what is damaged;
    to have the courage to resist everything that violates animals and plants;
    to have the courage to work for a city where we are all one.
    Make us friends of the earth, allies of your creation, now, tomorrow, always.