- Invitation
The question of God is important to you.
You’d like to know a little about monastic life.
You believe that prayer is a force that can change people’s hearts – your own – and thereby influence the course of the world.
You don’t separate your spiritual quest from a simple, fraternal life, divided between worship and
Come and spend 1 month with us at the Carmel de la Paix, in Mazille, Burgundy? - Easter Triduum in Carmel
Holy Thursday: Celebration of the Lord’s Supper 8pm
Good Friday: Celebration of the Passion 5.30pm
Holy Saturday: Office of Holy Saturday 5.30pm, Easter Vigil 22 pm
Easter Sunday: 9am Office of the Resurrection, 6pm Eucharist

◊ Lauds at 7.30 a.m.
◊ Eucharist at 11 a.m.
◊ VespScheduleers at 5.30 p.m.
◊ Compline at 9 p.m. (except on Sunday)
Except on Mondays : “Desert Day” with Eucharist at 6 p.m. and Vespers at 6 p.m. if there is no priest.

That this mask
of the passer-by,
the caiman
crossing the river
from one bank to the other,
your passage
towards interiority
and Encounter,
and that the basin,
of baptismal waters,
extends the intuition
of this work of art
Sudano-Sahelian work of art.
- 8 February 2025
Father of Jesus Christ,
you sent your Son to serve humanity: teach us to serve, too, with simplicity…
To do justice to the poor, the oppressed and those who are despised,
may we be your servants!
That refugees and migrants may be welcomed and respected, may we be your servants!
That all may have bread and peace, shelter and work, may we be your servants!
So that every people may benefit from the fruits of its labour, and build its social life in freedom
may we be your servants!
That prayer may unite us in praise and fraternal intercession, may we be your
your servants! - 7 February 2025
God our Father,
From the beginning you have been the God who blesses the adventure of life, and of this adventure,
you instil in us a deep desire for it. It is not by conquering worlds
that humanity will be able to satisfy its quest for the infinite, but in its own heart.
That’s where Love, the infinite, cries out to us tirelessly.
It is through the call to love, ever more deeply,
that the adventure of life is relaunched unceasingly, opening up our being to its best possibilities,
a never-ending journey towards the other.
You are the One who gave rise to this desire, and who will fulfil it in us,
because you wanted to be with us throughout our lives, in Jesus Christ, our Brother?
He who is your blessing on us, today and for ever. - 1 February 2025
Friend of mankind, Jesus the Saviour, at the beginning of this day, welcomes our faith.
Solid refuge, sure shelter, goodness that excludes all injustice, welcome our faith.
You who from our impossible offerings can make the impossible possible, welcome our faith.
You who give yourself even when we have betrayed you, welcome our faith.
You who have no memory of evil and who open a path for us into the future, welcome our faith.
May today’s new time be an opportunity to learn wisdom, that art of living that harmonises differences, that conveys true values, that protects life and nurtures the little seeds of hope from which new things spring. - 28 January 2025
Once again this evening, we take the path of listening, which is also the path of our quest.
The quest for your Word and the revelation of your Face, God!
We take the path of listening to hear what alone can give meaning to our journey:
The hope that there is a course of righteousness, of goodness, of justice,
that responds to the most constant and true aspirations in each of us.
We take the path of listening to be available to your Spirit,
to allow ourselves to be led to that point of no return where Jesus, your Beloved,
preceded us on the day he gave his life into your hands, leaving us as our only commandment :
Love for this time, for eternity. - 24 January 2025
mystery in each one,
each one unique in You,
You who revealed yourself in Jesus Christ.
In Him, life is multiform, exuberant, unfolding in the multitude of faces.
Bless you for the witnesses of all time
who have paved the way
who have opened our eyes, our ears, our hearts,
who before us welcomed the mystery of God into their lives
and believed in your presence in the world beyond space and time.
With them we tell you of our faith in the subterranean and overflowing source
of the grace of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ.