
  • Invitation

    The question of God is important to you.
    You’d like to know a little about monastic life.
    You believe that prayer is a force that can change people’s hearts – your own – and thereby influence the course of the world.
    You don’t separate your spiritual quest from a simple, fraternal life, divided between worship and
    Come and spend 1 month with us at the Carmel de la Paix, in Mazille, Burgundy?

  • Easter Triduum in Carmel

    Holy Thursday: Celebration of the Lord’s Supper 8pm

    Good Friday: Celebration of the Passion 5.30pm

    Holy Saturday: Office of Holy Saturday 5.30pm, Easter Vigil 22 pm

    Easter Sunday: 9am Office of the Resurrection, 6pm Eucharist


Lauds at 7.30 a.m.
Eucharist at 11 a.m.

VespScheduleers at 5.30 p.m.
Compline at 9 p.m. (except on Sunday)

Except on Mondays : “Desert Day” with Eucharist at 6 p.m. and Vespers at 6 p.m. if there is no priest.

That this mask
of the passer-by,
the caiman
crossing the river
from one bank to the other,
your passage
towards interiority
and Encounter,
and that the basin,
of baptismal waters,
extends the intuition
of this work of art
Sudano-Sahelian work of art.


  • 18 January 2025

    Thank you, Lord, for your Word, which tells us of the joy of service, the joy of giving to make others happy, which comes back to us a hundredfold, like ripe fruit that is good to share.
    Keep us throughout the day in the dynamic of giving, in recognition of the first gift that comes to us from You, God of goodness.
    We pray this through Jesus, who offers us his Gospel as a path to happiness,
    for today and for the rest of our days.

  • 16 January 2025

    With the men and women in the Church who ensure that we live the Gospel, we turn to You, Lord: sharpen in us the vigilance of the prophets!
    With the researchers and artists who are inventing the world of the future, we turn to You,
    Lord: share with us the wisdom that builds the universe according to your plan!
    With those whose job it is to look after the health and safety of their sisters and brothers,
    we turn to you, Lord: give us the awareness
    that makes all work a service of love!
    With the men and women who no longer keep watch, who no longer plan ahead, out of weariness or discouragement,
    we turn to You, Lord: grant us the faith that opens the way to the impossible.

  • 11 January 2025

    God of Life, tonight we listen, we contemplate the Life of origins,
    light in the depths of our nights.
    Your Life visits us, venturing onto human soil, slipping into our clay vessels.
    It entrusts itself to the tenderness of the poor; in the vigilance of the humble,
    in the vigilance of the humble and the rejected.
    This evening we listen and we see, God, your Life exposed in a land of pain and violence,
    Your Life offered, given, abandoned.
    We listen, we contemplate, from the split trunk, it revives, it re-emerges, ardent sap,
    it crosses the world.
    Your Life, God, opens a passageway, it is a tiny child who carries it.

  • 7 January 2025

    Jesus, Lord, came into this world to give us a full share in life:
    Open our hearts to accept the signs you offer us!
    You offer us the sign of the weakness of a newborn baby lying in a manger.
    You offer us the sign of being below, washing the feet of your friends.
    You offer us the sign of water turned into wine for the feast!
    You offer us the sign of the cross, the sign of a love lived to the end.
    You offer us the sign of the fraternal community: a reconciled church with open doors.
    Open our hearts to your action!

  • 5 January 2025

    Lord, teach us silence, full silence sometimes, but also the painful fasting of words,
    an admission of not knowing, respect for listening, the humility of waiting.
    Lord, teach us rest, withdrawal from our need to act, time left to time, serenity of gaze and heart.
    Lord, teach us patience, the slow succession of ploughing and sowing, burying ourselves in the long term, trusting in others and in your grace, refusing to despair.
    Lord, teach us faith, to risk life without looking back, to walk humbly in trust, to hope without proof.