
  • Invitation

    The question of God is important to you.
    You’d like to know a little about monastic life.
    You believe that prayer is a force that can change people’s hearts – your own – and thereby influence the course of the world.
    You don’t separate your spiritual quest from a simple, fraternal life, divided between worship and
    Come and spend 1 month with us at the Carmel de la Paix, in Mazille, Burgundy?

  • Easter Triduum in Carmel

    Holy Thursday: Celebration of the Lord’s Supper 8pm

    Good Friday: Celebration of the Passion 5.30pm

    Holy Saturday: Office of Holy Saturday 5.30pm, Easter Vigil 22 pm

    Easter Sunday: 9am Office of the Resurrection, 6pm Eucharist


Lauds at 7.30 a.m.
Eucharist at 11 a.m.

VespScheduleers at 5.30 p.m.
Compline at 9 p.m. (except on Sunday)

Except for “Desert Day” Mondays: Eucharist at 6 p.m. and Vespers at 6 p.m. if there is no priest.

You can check the times of the Eucharist on

That this mask
of the passer-by,
the caiman
crossing the river
from one bank to the other,
your passage
towards interiority
and Encounter,
and that the basin,
of baptismal waters,
extends the intuition
of this work of art
Sudano-Sahelian work of art.


  • 10 September 2024

    Lord, you call us to work in your vineyard because you do us the honour of needing us.
    Lord, you are always at the crossroads of our lives, always hiring,
    because it’s never too late to love.
    Lord, you give us a fair and full reward, which is your Love that sustains us all,
    without distinction, and no one is short-changed.
    Lord, the faithful love that perseveres despite the trials of time and the love that burns for a few moments, intensely, are all the same.
    moments, intensely, are both the gates to Eternity.
    Lord, your Love does not calculate or envy, and you never stop inviting people to work together
    on the construction site of your creation, blessed art thou!

  • 9 September 2024

    Give us, Lord, your Spirit of wisdom and understanding
    so that the life of the world may receive new lifeblood,
    so that we can discern the serious crises and the surface turmoil,
    deep distress and fleeting troubles.
    so that we can discern the real injustices and the just price to be paid,
    so that we resist the fear of necessary change.
    so that our eyes can detect the smallest glimmers of life,
    so that we become signs for others of a better future,
    give us your Spirit!

  • 3 September 2024

    Lord, you know our land, made up of darkness and light,
    of night and fog, of light, sunny mornings and serene evenings,
    a land of blood and compassion, of fanaticism and fraternal reunion.
    We bless you, Father, for the steps that people know how to take towards one another,
    these discoveries beyond borders of brothers and sisters in humanity, these spiritual riches
    with which you have filled us. Everything sings of the generosity of your gifts, and of the joy of those who know how to respond to them.
    to them. Blessed art thou forever!

  • 31 August 2024

    Lord, after your resurrection, your disciples recognised you in the breaking of bread.
    This gesture opened them to the understanding of your mystery as Son of God and Son of Man.
    May all those who seek you today recognise you in their turn,
    to break with them the bread of sharing and gratitude.

  • 28 August 2024

    Jesus Lord, thank you for the grace of walking together,
    thank you for the gift of community life,
    for supporting and stimulating us on this pilgrimage of faith.
    Renew our courage and our strength.
    Show us that you are close to each one of us.
    And for all men, who without you know not what to do,
    be the faithful God, you who were, who are and who will be,
    until eternity.