4 April 2023 – Holy Tuesday

No one can reach the dawn without passing through the path of the night.

Lord, God of our Fathers, throughout this Lenten season, you have tilled our hearts with your Word.

In these Holy Days when we are once again approaching the Paschal Mystery, give us the grace to know how to accompany your Son.
– Faced with temptations in the desert, Jesus uses only one weapon against the Adversary: the Word. Blessed be you, O our God!
– On Tabor, when Peter, James and John learn that their Master is threatened with exodus and Passion, they see him bathed in an Easter light, consolation and encouragement for their faith as disciples and for ours: Blessed be you, O our God!
– At the edge of a well, at the same time as the Samaritan woman, Jesus led us into the long work of the Word exchanged, the work of giving birth that sets each of us on the road to our deepest thirst, imprinted with your own Life in us: Blessed be you, O our God!
– Like the blind man, we want to leave the darkness that holds us captive, to follow Him who is already drawing our misfortunes into His victory and denying them the power to harm us: blessed be you, O our God!
– In the company of the sisters of Lazarus, we call down on our world the power of the Word of Jesus, which goes even into death. It makes life out of what is dead: blessed be you, O our God!