4 October 2024

Praise and glory to the Creator,
praise to you, Lord, for all that lives and breathes!
Blessed are you for this autumn, which remembers its fragile growth in spring
and now shines with the summer sun that nourished its fruit.
Blessed are you for the air we breathe, for the firm ground beneath our feet.
Blessed are you for the rising and setting sun
and the knots that sometimes hide them from our eyes.
Blessed are you for Jesus Christ and all those who put respect for creatures before efficiency,
love before the law.
Blessed are you for Hope, unshakeable as our surrounding mountains.
Blessed are you for the day that passes and gives us joy like the flower of the field
and the bird that flies and sings and flies away.
And bless you for your Spirit who hovers over this world in the making
and reconciles all life with Jesus Christ, at all times and into eternity.