13 September 2024

To your question, ‘Who am I for you?’, how can I answer but with a song of praise,
Jesus, Lord!
You are the One who speaks of God as a Father who is full of tenderness for all, praise be to you!
You are the One who wept at the death of your friend Lazarus and brought him back to life, praise be to you!
You are the One who prefers the company of sinners to that of the well-meaning, because you want us to be merciful, praise be to you!
merciful, praise be to you!
You are the One who frees the Law from its burden and speaks to us of the freedom and joy of God’s children.
of the children of God, praise be to you!
You are the One who allows Himself to be nailed to a cross among evildoers, living to the end the logic
of God’s weakness, praise be to you!